La mésinformation, la désinformation et la malinformation (MDM) sont des exemples de fausse information. Elles sont toutes susceptibles de nuire aux droits de la personne et d’avoir des répercussions sur ces derniers.
Mésinformation, désinformation et malinformation
Fausses informations susceptibles de nuire aux droits de la personne.
Par Priscila Alves Werton et Stephen Carney
Mots-clés :

Photo : Camilo Jimenez, Unsplash
La mésinformation est une fausse information qui est diffusée, souvent par inadvertance et sans l’intention de nuire. Il peut s’agir, par exemple, d’une personne qui diffuse de l’information qu’elle croit vraie, sans l’évaluer et l’analyser correctement, ou sans déterminer si l’information est fondée sur des faits. La personne n’a pas communiqué l’information dans l’intention d’induire les autres en erreur, mais l’action de communiquer l’information peut tout de même causer un préjudice. Par exemple, le fait de diffuser sur les médias sociaux le message d’un ami affirmant qu’il y a eu une fraude électorale généralisée au cours d’une élection, sans vérifier où il a reçu cette information.
La désinformation est une fausse information créée et diffusée dans l’intention directe de tromper ou de manipuler les destinataires de l’information. Il peut s’agir, par exemple, d’une organisation qui invente des renseignements sur un segment particulier de la société afin d’influencer la perception ou l’opinion du public. Par exemple, le lien stratégique et continu entre les personnes immigrées et réfugiées et la criminalité.
La malinformation est une fausse information qui repose sur des faits, mais qui a été retirée de son contexte d’origine, manipulée ou exagérée pour tromper les destinataires de l’information. Par exemple, diffuser une photographie d’une manifestation réelle en affirmant que cette manifestation visait à soutenir une cause sans rapport avec celle‐ci ou opposée.
La diffusion d’information trompeuse ou partisane n’est pas un phénomène nouveau. Si le terme « propagande » ne date que du 17e siècle, le principe de la manipulation de l’information dans le but d’influencer l’opinion publique est utilisé depuis des milliers d’années. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, l’évolution des technologies de communication a permis aux gouvernements, aux organisations et aux personnes de communiquer et de diffuser plus facilement l’information. Les médias sociaux nous permettent d’accéder à des quantités massives de contenu et d’atteindre des audiences massives. Cependant, notre capacité à diffuser et à recevoir de la mésinformation, de la désinformation et de la malinformation a également augmenté de manière exponentielle. Cela a des conséquences directes sur les droits de la personne, tant en préparant le terrain pour des violations des droits qu’en contrecarrant la mobilisation et le militantisme en faveur des droits de la personne.
Le développement de solides compétences en culture de l’information, ou littératie médiatique, est une étape importante pour être en mesure de comprendre, d’apprécier et d’évaluer l’information et de faire la distinction entre les renseignements qui sont vrais, exacts et factuels et les renseignements qui sont faux, trompeurs et incorrects.
Ce guide de ressources présente une sélection de livres, d’articles universitaires, de reportages d’actualité et de revues, de documentaires, de balados, etc. qui explorent ces concepts.
Navigation du guide de ressources
Ressources en culture de l’information
- Fake News and Information Literacy (University of Oregon Libraries)
- Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (American College and Research Libraries)
- Information for All Programme (UNESCO)
- La littératie médiatique : consommer et produire de l’information intelligemment (Bulletin SSF)
- Littératie médiatique et désinformation chez les jeunes des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire au Canada : Enquête auprès des 16–25 ans pendant la pandémie (Acfas)
- Littératie numérique et médiatique (The Alberta Teacher’s Association)
- What is information literacy? (University of Toronto Libraries)
- Addressing Hybrid Threats : European Law and Policies
Lonardo, Luigi, editor. Addressing Hybrid Threats : European Law and Policies. Elgar Publishing Limited, 2024. - Cheap Speech : How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics and How to Cure It
Hasen, Richard L. Cheap Speech : How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics and How to Cure It. Yale University Press, 2022. - Combating Online Health Misinformation : A Professional’s Guide to Helping the Public
Keselman, Alla, et al., editors. Combating Online Health Misinformation : A Professional’s Guide to Helping the Public. Rowman & Littlefield, 2022.
- Conspiracy & Populism : The Politics of Misinformation
Eiríkur, Bergmann Einarsson. Conspiracy & Populism : The Politics of Misinformation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. - COVID‐19 Disinformation : A Multi‐National, Whole Society Perspective
Gill, Ritu, and Rebecca Goolsby. COVID‐19 Disinformation : A Multi‐National, Whole Society Perspective. Springer, 2022. - Covid‐19 Disinformation and Social Media Manipulation Trends : Pro‐Russian Vaccine Politics Drives New Disinformation Narratives
Thomas, Elise, et al. Covid‐19 Disinformation and Social Media Manipulation Trends : Pro‐Russian Vaccine Politics Drives New Disinformation Narratives. Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2020. - Digital Democracy, Social Media and Disinformation
Iosifidis, Petros, and Nicholas Nicoli. Digital Democracy, Social Media and Disinformation. Routledge eBooks, 2020. - Digital Disinformation in Africa : Hashtag Politics, Power and Propaganda
Roberts, Tony. Digital Disinformation in Africa : Hashtag Politics, Power and Propaganda. Zed Books, 2024. - Disinformation in Open Online Media : 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 21–22, 2023, Proceedings
Ceolin, Davide, et al., editors. Disinformation in Open Online Media : 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 21–22, 2023, Proceedings. Springer, 2023. - Disinformation, Narratives and Memory Politics in Russia and Belarus
Legucka, Agnieszka, et al., editors. Disinformation, Narratives and Memory Politics in Russia and Belarus. Routledge, 2022. - Fake News
Anstead, Nick. Fake News. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2021. - Fake News : Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age
Zimdars, Melissa, and Kembrew McLeod, editors. Fake News : Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age. The MIT Press, 2020. - Fake News in an Era of Social Media : Tracking Viral Contagion
Safieddine, Fadi, and Yasmin Ibrahim, editors. Fake News in an Era of Social Media : Tracking Viral Contagion. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020. - Fake News Nation : The Long History of Lies and Misinterpretations in America
Cortada, James W., and William Aspray. Fake News Nation : The Long History of Lies and Misinterpretations in America. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. - From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation : Social Media in Southeast Asia
Sinpeng, Aim, and Ross Tapsell, editors. From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation : Social Media in Southeast Asia. ISEAS‐Yusof Ishak Institute, 2021. - La collision des récits : Le journalisme face à la désinformation
Grosbois, Philippe de. La collision des récits : Le journalisme face à la désinformation. Écosociété, 2022. - LikeWar : The Weaponization of Social Media
Singer, P. W., and Emerson T. Brooking. LikeWar : The Weaponization of Social Media. Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019. - Misbelief : What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things
Ariely, Dan. Misbelief : What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things. Harper, 2023. - Misinformation and Mass Audiences
Southwell, Brian G., et al., editors. Misinformation and Mass Audiences. University of Texas Press, 2018. - On Disinformation : How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy
McIntyre, Lee C. On Disinformation : How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy. The MIT Press, 2023. - On Vous Trompe : Comprendre la Mésinformation, Les Mensonges et la Manipulation en Ligne
CryptoQuébec (Organisation). On Vous Trompe : Comprendre la Mésinformation, Les Mensonges et la Manipulation en Ligne. Trécarré, 2022. - Post‐Truth
McIntyre, Lee C. Post‐Truth. The MIT Press, 2018. - Practical Playbook for Addressing Health Misinformation
Nagar, Aishwarya, et al. Practical Playbook for Addressing Health Misinformation. Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, 2024. - Protecting Democracy in an Age of Disinformation : Lessons from Taiwan
Blanchette, Jude, et al. Protecting Democracy in an Age of Disinformation : Lessons from Taiwan. Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2021. - Social Media and Democracy : The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform
Persily, Nathaniel, and Joshua A. Tucker, eds. Social Media and Democracy : The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform. Cambridge University Press, 2020. - The Disinformation Age
Bennett W. Lance, and Steven Livingston, editors. The Disinformation Age. Cambridge University Press, 2020. - The Hype Machine : How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health–and How We Must Adapt
Aral, Sinan. The Hype Machine : How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health–and How We Must Adapt. Currency, 2021. - The Palgrave Handbook of Media Misinformation
Fowler‐Watt, Karen, and Julian McDougall, editors. The Palgrave Handbook of Media Misinformation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. - The Philosophy of Information Quality
Floridi, Luciano, and Phyllis Illari, editors. The Philosophy of Information Quality. Springer, 2014. - The Politics of Misinformation
Edelman, Murray J. The Politics of Misinformation. Cambridge University Press, 2001. - The Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media : A Cross‐Platform Analysis
Rogers, Richard. The Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media : A Cross‐Platform Analysis. Amsterdam University Press, 2023. - The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism
Tumber, Howard, and Silvio R. Waisbord, editors. The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, 2021. - The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation
Maci, Stefania, et al., editors. The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge, 2024. - The Truth Society : Science, Disinformation, and Politics in Berlusconi’s Italy
Liston, Noelle Molé. The Truth Society : Science, Disinformation, and Politics in Berlusconi’s Italy. Cornell University Press, 2020. - The Wall Between : What Jews and Palestinians Don’t Want to Know About Each Other
Khouri, Raja G., and Jeffrey J. Wilkinson. The Wall Between : What Jews and Palestinians Don’t Want to Know About Each Other. Olive Branch Press, 2023.
Romans illustrés et bandes dessinées
- Bringing Superheroes into the Fight Against COVID‐19 Misinformation (Caravan Magazine)
- ‘La Firme’ The Official Socialist Comic Book of 1970s Chile (We are the Mutants)
- Real Fake : Resilience Series (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency)
- The Influencing Machine : Brooke Gladstone on the Media
Gladstone, Brooke, et al. The Influencing Machine : Brooke Gladstone on the Media. W.W. Norton, 2011. - Won't Get Fooled Again : A Graphic Guide to Fake News
Steuter, Erin and Alan Spinney. Won't Get Fooled Again : A Graphic Guide to Fake News. Between the Lines, 2020.
Ressources pour enfants et jeunes adultes
- Alerte : culottes meurtrières
Gravel, Élise. Alerte : culottes meurtrières. Éditions Scholastic, 2023. - BBC Teach — Lesson 1 : Real versus fake news (BBC)
- Check moé ça! (La Liberté Sciences mag Junior)
- CBC Kids News : Helping Kids Be Safer and Savvier Online (CBC Kids News)
- Éducation aux médias : Radio‐Canada accompagne les prochaines générations de citoyens (SRC)
- Fake news : tout sur la désinformation
Carrillo, Nereida, et al. Fake news : Tout sur la désinformation. Les 400 coups, 2023. - How to Help Kids Spot Misinformation and Disinformation (Common Sense Media)
- How to Spot Fake News : Tips for Kids (Edmonton Public Library)
- How to tell the difference between real and fake news (CBC Kids News)
- How to understand Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation (Shout Out UK)
- Kids urged to get real on fake news (Kids News)
- Killer Underwear Invasion!: How to Spot Fake News, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories
Gravel, Élise. Killer Underwear Invasion!: How to Spot Fake News, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories. Chronicle Books LLC, 2022. - Media Smarts – Canada’s Centre for Digital Media Literacy
- Teaching Strategies : Misconceptions (McGraw Hill PreK‐12)
- Un tout nouveau jeu contre la désinformation! (La Liberté)
- What is fake news? Tips For Spotting Them — Fake News for Kids (Smile and Learn – English)
Reportages dans les médias
- Canadians' misperceptions about immigration reflect disinformation online : experts (CBC)
- Chronique : Comment une fausse nouvelle est devenue l'article le plus partagé à propos du G7 (SRC)
- “#CoronaJihad”: How the Far‐Right in India is Responding to the Pandemic (University of Oslo)
- CoronaJihad is Only the Latest Manifestation : Islamophobia in India has Been Years in the Making (Human Rights Watch)
- Covid‐19 : Bolsonaro should face criminal charges over Brazil’s failed response, recommends inquiry (The BMJ)
- Décrypteurs (SRC)
- ‘Deny, deflect, distract': How Russia spreads disinformation about the war in Ukraine (CBC)
- Désinformation : la sensibilisation continue (La Liberté)
- Désinformation chez les jeunes : que faut‐il leur apprendre? (Science‐Presse)
- Did Yellow Journalism Fuel the Outbreak of the Spanish American War? (History)
- Ditching of Facebook factcheckers a ‘major step back’ for public discourse, critics say (The Guardian)
- En Ukraine, la désinformation en ligne inquiète les autorités (Le Monde)
- Facts in Focus : Combating Fake News Through the Artists’ Lens (Meta)
- Fake news : What is it? And how to spot it (BBC)
- ‘Growing mistrust’: An immigration expert on misinformation and how our system needs to change (TVO Today)
- How China uses the news media as a weapon in its propaganda war against the West (Reuters Institute)
- How Fake News is Infiltrating Fashion (Fashion Magazine)
- How Hitler Conquered Germany (Slate)
- How India's Fact‐Checking Collective Fought Poll‐Time Misinformation (NDTV)
- How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’ (BBC)
- How the Nazis used poster art as propaganda (DW)
- How to avoid circular reporting and spreading fake news (Media Update)
- How US Influencers Are Spreading Misinformation About Birth Control (NDTV)
- Illusory Truth Effect (Psychology Today)
- In the face of online misinformation, these teens are learning how to sort fact from fiction (CBC)
- Islam and information literacy : Avoiding misinformation during the COVID‐19 pandemic (ABC)
- It Was Already Dangerous to Be Muslim in India. Then Came the Coronavirus (Time)
- La desinformación como negocio (El País)
- La désinformation sur la vaccination au N.-B. progresse, selon des professionnels de santé (SRC)
- Lawyer says residential school denialism should be added to Criminal Code (CBC)
- Members of Brazil’s Far‐Right Are Importing U.S.-Style Anti‐Abortion Tactics (Rewire News Group)
- Meta is ushering in a ‘world without facts’, says Nobel peace prize winner (The Guardian)
- Meta to get rid of factcheckers and recommend more political content (The Guardian)
- Ministry Of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
- Misinformation, disinformation, & malinformation : What’s the difference? (Live & Learn)
- Most Indians believe in WhatsApp University news (Ground Report)
- Nazi Propaganda (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
- Neil Young Pulls Music from Spotify Over Vaccine Misinformation (Global Citizen)
- Nietzsche, Post‐Truth, and the Value of Truthfulness (Institute of Intellectual History)
- Nietzsche on Truth, Lies, the Power and Peril of Metaphor, and How We Use Language to Reveal and Conceal Reality (The Marginalian)
- Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (Philosophy Terms)
- ‘Post‐truth' named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries (The Guardian)
- Schoolkids Are Falling Victim to Disinformation and Conspiracy Fantasies (Scientific American)
- Sixth‐form students use art to explore fake news (BBC)
- Social Media And The Mob Mentality : How We Can Fight It (Forbes)
- Stanford researchers find students have trouble judging the credibility of information online (Stanford Graduate School of Education)
- The 10 Most Popular Climate Change Conspiracy Theories (Inverse)
- The Disinformation Age : Newspapers are failing. Public confidence is faltering. What keeps UNH journalism alums coming back for more? (University of New Hampshire)
- The Psychology of Mob Mentality (Psychology Today)
- There's a flood of disinformation about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Here's who's sorting it out (CBC)
- This Artist’s Counterfeits of Blue‐Chip Icons Blend Fake News With Satire of the Art World (Artnet)
- This Campaign Uses Art to Fight Racism and Misinformation Linked to COVID‐19 (Global Citizen)
- Voting Behaviours and Indigenous Rights in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (Australian Institute of International Affairs)
- Ukraine conflict : Further false images shared online (BBC)
- Ukraine invasion : False claims the war is a hoax go viral (BBC)
- Ukraine invasion : Misleading claims continue to go viral (BBC)
- Ukraine war : Viral conspiracy theories falsely claim the war is fake (BBC)
- Un nouveau rapport dénonce la désinformation liée à l’avortement sur les réseaux sociaux (Le Monde)
- What Are Conspiracy Theories? (Very Well Mind)
- What is Engagement Farming and is it Worth the Risk? (EM 360)
- What Is Mob Mentality? (WebMD)
- What Is QAnon, the Viral Pro‐Trump Conspiracy Theory? (The New York Times)
- What’s the difference between lies and post‐truth in politics? A philosopher explains (The Conversation)
- When Correcting a Lie, Don't Repeat It. Do This Instead. (Psychology Today)
- Why do we believe misinformation more easily when it’s repeated many times? (The Decision Lab)
- Why France Banned TikTok Amid New Caledonia Unrest (NDTV)
- Yellow Journalism : The Basics (ThoughtCo.)
Documentaires et balados
- Bad Science : AI used to target kids with disinformation on YouTube — BBC World Service (BBC)
- Décrypteurs : le balado (SRC)
- Disinformation : The End of Humanity? (Wisecrack)
- Factcheck : How did India become a fake news hotspot? (DW News)
- Fake : Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation (PBS)
- Here’s How Fake News Works (and How the Internet Can Stop It) (Wired)
- How false news can spread – Noah Tavlin (TED‐Ed)
- How statistics can be misleading – Mark Liddell (YouTube — TED‐Ed)
- India's War on Fake News : How Disinformation Became India's #1 Threat | Fact Vs Fiction (CNA Insider)
- Intrigue : MayDay (BBC)
- Propaganda to Social Media : Misinformation in a Time of Crisis (Imperial War Museum)
- The Century of the Self (BBC Four)
- The War You Don't See (Bullfrog Films)
- Yellow Journalism (PBS)
Ressources d’organisations liées aux droits de la personne et d’autres organisations
- 12 Myths and Misconceptions About Poverty Around the World (Global Citizen)
- A short guide to the history of ‘fake news’ and disinformation (International Center for Journalists)
- Ask an Activist : How Can I Combat Vaccine Misinformation? (Global Citizen)
- Combatting misinformation online (World Health Organization)
- Countering Disinformation (United Nations)
- Country case‐study : sexual and reproductive rights in Brazil (Privacy International)
- Deepen your insights (Hybrid CoE)
- DISARM is an open framework for those cooperating in the fight against disinformation (DISARM Foundation)
- Facebook Will Ban Ads That Discourage Vaccines (Global Citizen)
- India’s General Elections, Technology, and Human Rights Questions and Answers (Human Rights Watch)
- Immunizing the public against misinformation (WHO)
- Infodemic (WHO)
- Instagram Takes Further Steps to Ban Anti‐Vaxxer Content and Vaccine Misinformation (Global Citizen)
- Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation : A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training (Web Archive‐ UNESCO)
- Meet the Woman Beating COVID‐19 Misinformation Across Africa, One Fake News Story at a Time (Global Citizen)
- Module 8 : ‘False News’, Misinformation and Propaganda (Media Defence)
- Module 8 : « Fausses nouvelles », mésinformation et propagande (Media Defence)
- Operation Lone Star : Misinformation and Discrimination in Texas Border Enforcement (The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
- Rise of disinformation a symptom of ‘global diseases’ undermining public trust : Bachelet (United Nations)
- SHAKTI — India Fact‐Checking Collective (Shakti)
- Silenced and Misinformed : Freedom of Expression in Danger During Covid‐19 (Amnesty International)
- Social Media Caused the Anti‐Vax Movement to Mutate. Now Tech Is Finally Fighting Back (Global Citizen)
- The Douma Chemical Attack — Fake News about Fake News on Russia's Fake News (Bellingcat)
- Under Brazil’s Abortion Ban, ‘Lack of Information Kills’ (International Women’s Media Foundation)
- Understanding information disorder (First Draft)
- United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity : Recommendations for Multi‐stakeholder Action (United Nations)
- Verification Handbook 3 : For Disinformation and Media Manipulation (European Journalism Centre)
- Young People in Zimbabwe Are Using Social Media to Combat COVID‐19 'Infodemic' (Global Citizen)
- YouTube Just Banned Vaccine Misinformation with New Video Guidelines (Global Citizen)
Documents académiques et articles de recherche
Thèses et dissertations
- Alternative Risk : A Diagnostic and Canadian Anti‐Vaccine Case Study
Casey, Sarah. Alternative Risk : A Diagnostic and Canadian Anti‐Vaccine Case Study. Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2023. - Canadian Election Integrity Initiatives and Domestic Disinformation : Investigating the 2019 Canadian Federal Election Across Sectors
McKenna, Christine. Canadian Election Integrity Initiatives and Domestic Disinformation : Investigating the 2019 Canadian Federal Election Across Sectors. Toronto, University of Toronto, 2021. - "Disinformation and Smear": The Use of State Propaganda and Military Force to Suppress Aboriginal Title at the 1995 Gustafsen Lake Standoff
Mahony, Ben David. "Disinformation and Smear": the Use of State Propaganda and Military Force to Suppress Aboriginal Title at the 1995 Gustafsen Lake Standoff. Lethbridge, University of Lethbridge, 2001.
- FACTS‐ON : Fighting Against Counterfeit Truths in Online Social Networks : Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation
Amri, Sabrine. FACTS‐ON : Fighting Against Counterfeit Truths in Online Social Networks : Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation. Montréal, Université de Montréal, 2024. - Health Misinformation in Search and Social Media
Ghenai, Amira. Health Misinformation in Search and Social Media. Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2019. - Misinformation Retrieval
Rizvi, Saira. Misinformation Retrieval. Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2021. - Savoirs policiers, profilage politique et désinformation : la police montréalaise et son projet GAMMA
Dominique‐Legault, Pascal. Savoirs policiers, profilage politique et désinformation : la police montréalaise et son projet GAMMA. Québec, Université Laval, 2020.
Articles de recherche
- A Systematic Literature Review of the Phenomenon of Disinformation and Misinformation
Pérez‐Escolar, Marta, et al. “A Systematic Literature Review of the Phenomenon of Disinformation and Misinformation.” Media and Communication, vol. 11, no. 2, 2023, pp. 76–87. - A systematic literature review on disinformation : Toward a unified taxonomical framework
Kapantai, Eleni, et al. “A Systematic Literature Review on Disinformation : Toward a Unified Taxonomical Framework.” New Media & Society, vol. 23, no. 5, 2020, pp. 1301–26. - Addressing Misinformation on WhatsApp in India Through Intermediary Liability Policy, Platform Design Modification, and Media Literacy
Medeiros, Ben, and Pawan Singh. “Addressing Misinformation on WhatsApp in India Through Intermediary Liability Policy, Platform Design Modification, and Media Literacy.” Journal of Information Policy, vol. 10, 2020, pp. 276–298.
- An overview of online fake news : Characterization, detection, and discussion
Zhang, Xichen, and Ali A. Ghorbani. “An Overview of Online Fake News : Characterization, Detection, and Discussion.” Information Processing & Management, vol. 57, no. 2, 2020. - Anatomy of an online misinformation network
Shao, Chengcheng, et al. “Anatomy of an Online Misinformation Network.” PloS One, vol. 13, no. 4, 2018. - Antecedents and Consequences of Misinformation Sharing Behavior among Adults on Social Media during COVID‐19
Malik, Ammara, et al. “Antecedents and Consequences of Misinformation Sharing Behavior Among Adults on Social Media During COVID‐19.” SAGE Open, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023. - Analysing Misinformation Sharing Amongst College Students in India During COVID‐19
Harjule, Priyanka, et al. “Analysing Misinformation Sharing Amongst College Students in India During COVID‐19.” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 218, 2023, pp. 671–685. - Article Topic : Fake News (Misinformation Review)
- Automatic Detection of Fake News
Pérez‐Rosas, Verónica, et al. “Automatic Detection of Fake News.” arXiv, January 1, 2017. - Beyond (Mis)Representation : Visuals in COVID‐19 Misinformation
Brennen, J. Scott, et al. “Beyond (Mis)Representation : Visuals in COVID‐19 Misinformation.” The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 26, no.1, 2021, pp. 277–299. - Broadcast Versus Viral Spreading : The Structure of Diffusion Cascades and Selective Sharing on Social Media
Liang, Hai. “Broadcast Versus Viral Spreading : The Structure of Diffusion Cascades and Selective Sharing on Social Media.” Journal of Communication, vol. 68, no. 3, 2018, pp. 525–546. - Combating disinformation in a social media age
Shu, Kai, et al. “Combating Disinformation in a Social Media Age.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 10, no. 6, 2020. - Combating Hoax and Misinformation in Indonesia Using Machine Learning : What is Missing and Future Directions
Sekarhati, Dwinanda Kinanti Suci. “Combating Hoax and Misinformation in Indonesia Using Machine Learning What Is Missing and Future Directions.” Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science (EMACS) Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 143–150. - Combating Misinformation in Bangladesh : Roles and Responsibilities as Perceived by Journalists, Fact‐checkers, and Users
Haque, Mahfuzul, et al. “Combating Misinformation in Bangladesh : Roles and Responsibilities as Perceived by Journalists, Fact‐checkers, and Users.” Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library, vol. 4, 2020, pp. 1–32. - Countering misinformation : A multidisciplinary approach
Gradoń, Kacper T., et al. “Countering Misinformation : A Multidisciplinary Approach.” Big Data & Society, vol. 8, no. 1, 2021. - Crowdturfers, Campaigns, and Social Media : Tracking and Revealing Crowdsourced Manipulation of Social Media
Lee, Kyumin, et al. “Crowdturfers, Campaigns, and Social Media : Tracking and Revealing Crowdsourced Manipulation of Social Media.” Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 331–340. - Data citizenship : Rethinking data literacy in the age of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation
Carmi, Elinor, et al. “Data Citizenship : Rethinking Data Literacy in the Age of Disinformation, Misinformation, and Malinformation.” Internet Policy Review, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1–22. - Defining and Measuring Scientific Misinformation
Southwell, Brian G., et al. “Defining and Measuring Scientific Misinformation.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 700, no. 1, 2022, pp. 98–111. - Discovering why people believe disinformation about healthcare
George, Joey F. “Discovering Why People Believe Disinformation About Healthcare.” Plos One, vol. 19, no. 3, 2024. - Evaluating Information : The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning
Wineburg, Sam, and Sarah McGrew. “Evaluating information : The cornerstone of civic online reasoning.” Stanford History Education Group, November 22, 2016. - Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook
Bakshy, Eytan, et al. “Exposure to Ideologically Diverse News and Opinion on Facebook.” Science, vol. 348, no. 6239, 2015, pp. 1130–1132. - Fake News (a.k.a. Disinformation) in Canada
Tattrie, Jon. "Fake News (a.k.a. Disinformation) in Canada". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 11 June 2019, Historica Canada. - Fake News, False Information and More : Countering Human Biases
Soon, Carol, et al. “Fake News, False Information and More : Countering Human Biases.” Institute of Policy Studies Working Papers, no. 31., 2018. - Fausses nouvelles (ou désinformation) au Canada
Tattrie, Jon. "Fausses nouvelles (ou désinformation) au Canada." l'Encyclopédie Canadienne, 11 June 2019, Historica Canada. - Framing disinformation through legislation : Evidence from policy proposals in Brazil
Anastácio, Kimberly. “Framing disinformation through legislation : Evidence from policy proposals in Brazil.” Misinformation Review, vol. 5, 2024. - How did Ebola information spread on Twitter : broadcasting or viral spreading?
Liang, Hai, et al. “How Did Ebola Information Spread on Twitter : Broadcasting or Viral Spreading?” BMC Public Health, vol. 19, no. 1, 2019. - How to survive the medical misinformation mess
Ioannidis, John P. A., et al. “How to Survive the Medical Misinformation Mess.” European Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 47, no. 11, 2017, pp. 795–802. - Initiatives pour contrer la désinformation sous forme d’hypertrucage (Université Laval)
- Inoculating the Public against Misinformation about Climate Change
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Publications et pages Web gouvernementales
- Deepfakes : A Real Threat to a Canadian Future (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Deepfakes : A Real Threat to a Canadian Future.” - Désinformation et liberté d’opinion et d’expression : Rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la promotion et la protection du droit à la liberté d’opinion et d’expression, Irene Khan (Nations Unies)
Khan, Irene. “Désinformation et liberté d’opinion et d’expression : Rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la promotion et la protection du droit à la liberté d’opinion et d’expression.” Nations Unies, 2021. - Désinformation, mésinformation, mal‐information, comment les différencier? (Centre québécois d’éducation aux medias et à l’information)
Centre québécois d’éducation aux medias et à l’information. “Désinformation, mésinformation, mal‐information, comment les différencier?”
- Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expression — Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Irene Khan (United Nations)
Khan, Irene. “Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expression.” United Nations, 2021. - How to Identify Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation (ITSAP.00.300) (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “How to Identify Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation (ITSAP.00.300).” - Information Disorder (Council of Europe)
Council of Europe. “Information Disorder.” - Information Disorder : Toward an Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policy Making (Council of Europe)
Council of Europe. “Information Disorder : Toward an Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policy Making.” - La désinformation en ligne (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “La désinformation en ligne.” - Les hypertrucages, une vraie menace pour l’avenir du Canada (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Les hypertrucages, une vraie menace pour l’avenir du Canada.” - Online Disinformation (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Online Disinformation.” - Qui dit quoi? Défis sécuritaires découlant de la désinformation aujourd’hui (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Qui dit quoi? Défis sécuritaires découlant de la désinformation aujourd’hui.” - Repérer les cas de mésinformation, désinformation et malinformation (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Repérer les cas de mésinformation, désinformation et malinformation (ITSAP.00.300).” - Vaccine Misinformation Found Online and What to Do About It (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Vaccine Misinformation Found Online and What to Do About It.” - Who Said What? The Security Challenges of Modern Disinformation (Government of Canada)
Government of Canada. “Who Said What? The Security Challenges of Modern Disinformation.”
Statistiques et données
- Concerns with Misinformation Online, 2023 (Statistics Canada)
- Préoccupations concernant la mésinformation en ligne, 2023 (Statistics Canada)
- Propagation de la Mésinformation : Une Analyse Multivariée du Rapport Entre les Caractéristiques Individuelles et les Comportements de Vérification des Faits des Canadiens (Statistics Canada)
- The Spread of Misinformation : A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between Individual Characteristics and Fact‐checking Behaviours of Canadians (Statistics Canada)
Here is a selection of terms and their definitions commonly used when discussing issues surrounding misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.
- Data literacy / savoir‐faire en matière de données
- Deep Fake / hypertrucage
- Fake News / fausse nouvelle
- Freedom of expression / liberté d'expression
- Hoax / canular
- Infodemic / infodémie
- Information integrity / intégrité de l'information
- Information literacy / culture de l’information
- Misconception / malentendu
- Post‐truth / postvérité
- Spammer / polluposteur
- Yellow Journalism / presse à sensation
Explorer ce sujet
Désordres de l’information en temps de guerre
Par Saranaz Barforoush, Ph. D. et Shayna Plaut, Ph. D.
La déformation des faits ne se contente pas de brouiller la vérité : elle façonne comment le monde perçoit un conflit, en minimisant les souffrances réelles et en facilitant la perception des autres comme « l’ennemi ». La désinformation est une menace directe pour les droits de la personne. Nous voyons aujourd’hui des exemples de cette arme de guerre qui fait des ravages dans les conflits.